Back pain is one of the most common issues that people struggle with on a day to day basis. Most people will have some sort of back pain throughout their life. Studies show that 4 out of 5 people with experience it in the future and suggest that there are 30 million people with back pain right now. These large figures justify the claim that back pain is the biggest reason in the United States for someone to become disabled. The numbers alone should be plenty to motivate society to look into the causes and treatment options for back pain. Our Jaskowiak Chiropractic and FJ Chiropractic chiropractors have created this article to help you find a solution to your back pain just like many others in Berlin WI, Franklin WI, or Menomonee Falls WI have.
Causes of Back Pain
Trauma, disease and misalignments are all causes of back pain. The back is a very strong foundation that is able to protect the body from any damage along with helping with motion. Inflamed muscles, bones and ligaments can lead to back pain. In some cases an auto accident is the cause for their back pain whereas others play sports or have bad habits that lead to pain. With all these causes it can be hard to pinpoint the exact reason for your back pain.
There are also alternative ways that back pain can develop that include arthritis, issues with digestion and poor health. Due to the many possible causes, experience is key in solving the issue. Our chiropractic team is trained and experienced to assist you in your treatment. Jaskowiak Chiropractic and FJ Chiropractic is capable of diagnosing your condition and find the specific reason you are experiencing pain in order to correct your condition which allows you to get back to your pain free life.
Disc Bulges or Herniations
A bulging disc or herniation are capable of causing back pain. It is essential to know that not all bulging discs and herniations are the cause of back pain. Studies showcase how more than a third of people have a bulging disc but most of them report no pain. The ones that do feel pain will experience a lot of discomfort.
The type of herniation and location is the main factor in determining the severity of the pain. IF the disc is pushing into a nerve, people can experience numbness and tingling in their extremities. The pain is usually a stabbing and quick sensation. A disc herniation can be described as a donut filled with jelly. When the donut deteriorates the jelly will leak out. This can happen from age and overuse. It is dependent on the extent of your injury but the effects are able to be alleviated in many cases. Chiropractic care is a great option in making your pain go away.
Subluxations cause a lot of people back pain without them realizing what the pain is coming from. A subluxation refers to a vertebrae that is not aligned in the spine properly. It can affect the movement of the person living with the condition. This waterfall effect starts to affect posture and more movements of the body and also allowing a person to have less strength in fighting diseases. There is an unlimited amount of causes for a subluxation.
A impact from a blunt force, bad nutrition, bad sleeping habits are all possible causes for this condition. Many people are unaware the nutrition can have an effect on the spine but are aware it can make your hair fall out or discolor your nails. It can be very difficult to create a timeline for treating a subluxation but our team at Jaskowiak Chiropractic and FL Chiropractic is experienced in working with patients with subluxations and have proven success in the past in treating their pain.
Tendon or Ligament Strains and Muscular Sprains
A sprain or strain can occur to anyone but it is common in individuals doing tasks their body is not accustomed too. For example if a person that hasn't even ran in months decided to sprint a mile, they would be at a high risk to a strain or sprain due to their lack of training. Sprains are small or complete tears in ligaments from pushing the ligament past its limits. Strains can occur on a muscle after picking up an object that is too heavy or heavier than one is used to. These injuries happen especially when an individual is not using proper form. Chiropractic care can help both strains and sprains as in most cases they originate from the spinal area. Our team is prepared to offer you the care you need in order to get back to your health self.
Back Pain and Stress
People that experience higher levels of stress generally have a different physical makeup compared to people that are not used to dealing with stress. The body releases different hormones for people that are dealing with high levels of stress. An increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and cortisol release are a few of the body's responses to stress. These responses are usually a short burst but for people that deal with stress more often, it can cause health issues. Heart disease, back pain and obesity can result from stress. In many cases stress is located at "trigger points" in the back. Your chiropractic team at Jaskowiak Chiropractic and FJ Chiropractic has been successful in helping correct patients backs at these trigger points.
When a chiropractor creates a treatment plan for an issue they make sure to treat the source of the problem and do not solely treat the symptoms. Our team can help you with your back pain using our proven methods! Please don't hesitate to contact us, our staff at Jaskowiak Chiropractic and FJ Chiropractic in Berlin WI, Franklin WI, or Menomonee Falls WI are happy to help!